Run For The Cure

There are so many great ways for people to combine their talents and interests into helping those around them. For runners there are several race events held throughout the year in support of dozens of different charities. Canadian bank employees to cancer survivors come together once a year for CIBC's Run for the Cure, which is in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. This is a form of cancer that affects more than twenty thousand Canadian women each year. There is a survival rate of 87% but those participating want to see that number rise.

If you're interested in participating in the run there are many ways to get involved. You can raise money and run as an individual or create a running team. This could be comprised of people in your family or a group that all work together, high school friends or neighbours. If you are not up for running yourself that day you can help out as a volunteer. This is an entirely volunteer-run event and they can usually use all of the extra hands they can get. The race is always on a Sunday so you don't even have to worry about taking time off from your day job.

Run for the Cure started in 1992 in Toronto and raised $85,000 in that first year. Ten years later there were events happening in thirty locations across the country and about 14,000 people participating. Now, thanks to the combination between more participants and larger donations, this event annually brings in over $25 million. If you want to add to that donation you can sponsor a team with your business or give some support to someone you know in a race.

Before you give your money or time over to any charity organization you should take the time to find out what they're about and where the money really goes. In the case of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation your donation is going towards innovative new research, education and awareness programs and early diagnosis and treatment. All donations over twenty dollars are eligible for a tax receipt and you can know that you are helping people.

Most people have been affected by cancer in their lifetime either through themselves or someone close to them. If you would like to help put an end to millions of people's suffering than running in Run for the Cure is a few hours of work that could have major results.

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